Album Review: Terrible Things - Terrible Things

'Up All Night' and 'Terrible Things' are fine examples of accessible rock that could lead to bigger things for the band. The former has a soaring chorus with a slight dark lyrical undertone (burning houses), add to that superb guitar work and you're left with one of the albums highlights. The self-titled track is a racy modern rock number, that is filled with energy and the bands new found hunger shines through.
'Conspiracy' to an extent shows the bands pop-rock side, but with a slight (quirky) twist especially lyrically. However Mascherino's lead vocals demand attention, despite the feel-good instrumentation. Whilst 'Wrap Me Up' sees Jackson take over the mic, with his words twisting round subtle slow guitar work in the verse, before coming through with plenty of bite in the chorus. Its Jackson at his most comfortable, and perhaps his best. His other contribution ('Not Alone') unfortunately falls into the "filler" catergory here.
Elsewhere 'Lullaby' and 'Been Here Before' are more relaxed affairs. Although they continue the flowness of the record, individually they lack stature despite their appealing musicianship. Whilst the closing 'The Hills of Birmingham' ends the album on a highpoint; its depth, structure and overall creativity deserves credit, from the running drums, to the back and froing between Mascherino and Jackson works near-perfect.
So have Terrible Things used their skills and experience to their best here? Well, that's debatable. As a fan of both Mascherino and Jackson's previous work, this is an enjoyable record that paces itself well, with its high-standard of musicianship and songwriting, both which are probably expected to hear. However the highlights raise the bar, and exceed expectations as time and time again, the band come together as a tight knit unit and deliver good, modern rock songs that have plenty of momentum and energy.
For a debut record for a band that is still young, 'Terrible Things' is a great start and things will become anything but terrible for this trio.
'Terrible Things' by Terrible Things is available through Universal Motown from August 31st.
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Sean Reid