We Are The Ocean Update

"So whats been happening for WATO recently? It’s now been 4 weeks since our last show, which feels weird, but we’ve been keeping ourselves occupied.
Most days have been spent in our local rehearsal / recording studio, which is in our home town of Loughton. We’ve wrote about 10 new songs, and demo-ed them. Its sounding really cool, completely different vibe but we hope you all like it. Less heavy, bit more punk rock, but still just as loud.
Next week we begin recording 4 of those tracks for real, and by real i mean slightly better quality so that we can actually use them for a release. More on this in a few weeks….
We also have another little project in the making. Some of you will remember us asking to send in any photos of us that you have?? Well that wasn’t for no reason, its all contributing to this ‘little project’ which is what we will call it for now until we can tell you more!
We’ve also been booking some mainland Europe shows, and when i say we, i mean our agent has, but we are finally coming over to Europe and we’re going to be playing a bunch of sweet places that we’ve never visited before so its going to be really exciting.
As for USA, i know a load of you have been wondering when we’re touring there. We’re working on it for next year! Right now it just doesn’t work out for us to come over on this album, but we’re definitely going to be with you in 2011!
We have 3 upcoming shows in the UK. 2 festivals - Guilfest next weekend (16th, Rocksound stage) and Boardmasters Festival (Aug 6th, Vans stage) and we also have a FREE show in London at The Garage on July 29th. Theres no advance tickets, and no entry fee at all, jus head down on the day and come and hang out with us. We’ll be debuting a bunch of those new tracks we mentioned!
And of course, we will see you in September/October for our full UK headline tour! So stoked for that, so many tickets sold already, we love you all. We’re gonna make it special!