I Am Ghost Break Up

Statement from the band:
"Sometimes you just know. It’s hard to comprehend; no one can really pin point that exact moment when you know it’s just right. There was really nothing more we ever wanted then to write music. That was it. Nothing more and indeed nothing less. It started in a garage in 2005 and three shows later gave birth to some twisted juggernaut called I Am Ghost.
We never knew what the future would entail. The band was just six people against the world, with nothing to prove and really everything to gain. We had our fare share of doubters and non believers- most of whom didn’t even know any of us. But, we kept moving forward. We said “fuck you” to the local scene and tried our best to be true to ourselves and to our fans. I Am Ghost had never sold out; we had always done what we believed was right. Many times we were told by the people above to write more hardcore, scream more- “oh, you need more breakdowns in your songs”- but we didn’t listen. We never wanted to play that. I Am Ghost was something more we believed…
So, with endless touring and a thousand new faces we had met after five years, I saw the music scene change. Not good or bad; just changed. But we kept fighting the good fight. Our fans came and supported us throughout the entire world. The cities, states and countries we have seen have been tattood to the back of our heads and will be with us to the day we all die. All of us have seen things that have made us better people. And for that I thank God that I Am Ghost was around in my life. The band saved my life more than a few times; and its best to note that we have in fact saved a few of your lives out there as well.
And, sometimes you just know. It’s hard to comprehend; but when it finally hits you like some out of control boxer- you have to feel the pain, really feel it, and take a step back and just say “goodbye, I have had enough”. Today is that day. I Am Ghost is no more.
I wish it was something crazier. I wish it was the fact that I hated everyone in the band, or that we had no more music to give. But, in reality, it’s nothing like that. I love everyone in I Am Ghost: Timmy, Ronnie, Justin and Chad are my brothers. I would step in front of a fucking train for them, and they would do the same for me.
The fact is, we have grown up. I am not the same guy I was five years ago; none of us are. And for me, new doors have been open for the next chapter in my life. The same goes for the rest of the members. We gave the good fight and toured through rain, sleet, hail, snow and with broken and bruised bones. Members came and went, but again, I thank God I met those people. To the past members: Kerith, Brian, Ryan, Gabe and Victor- we could NOT have done any of this without you.
The hardest thing to deal with is the fans. We are going to miss you more than life. You were our lives, and we traveled this fucking world to play for you. No one else. Only you. Seeing your faces and hearing your beautiful voices singing along with us is the only reason we kept on going. Without you there was really no reason to play. We were the body but you all were in fact the life blood that made I Am Ghost real.
Thank you to our managers, Yogi and Devin, for believing in us. Thank you to Brett and everyone at Epitaph Records for taking us under their wings and watching us grow. It was an honor, indeed. Thanks to all the bands we toured with in the past…and most importantly, thanks to everyone who came to our shows and rocked out with us. We will NEVER forget those days…. ever.
Love always,
Steven, Timmy, Justin, Ronnie and Chad"