Exclusive Sam Little Tour Blog: Day Eight and Nine

I'm not entirely sure how I'm alive, I'm not sure how I got 'home', I have no idea how I managed to play a show last night and I definitely don't know how the hell I don't have a hangover today. Fuck.
Thursday July 15th, 11:58pm (end of day seven):
I'm a little bit tipsy, I've been drinking enough vodka to send a slight surge of intoxication through my veins. Maycomb and I have just demolished some Dominos pizza that I bought as a birthday treat for everyone and we're waiting for the clock to turn the day. I can't believe I'm gonna be 21, I'm definitely not mature enough. Come midnight, the boys are singing and they've bought me a cake of dreams. I've got so much time for these guys, they're literally the nicest people I've ever met. About an hour later, Jimmy sits in the remainder of the cake, brilliant.
Woke up fairly early so that the boys could go do a photoshoot with my friend Maryam in Victoria Park. After messing around in a playpark for a good hour, we headed back with some pretty awesome shots! I'm sure they'll be online soon enough. Johnny looks so much like Ray Romano, it's amazing.
Got to the venue around 4. We're playing the Purple Turtle (remember the ridiculously empty venue I played exactly a week ago on day one? OH YEAH) and as soon as we're through the doors, I'm running around stressing. I'm kinda putting on tonight, so everything's in my hands. I've also bought about £100+ worth of fairy lights that I've got to drape across the backline to make it look dead awesome.
After spending about 30 minutes covering the drum kit in lights, the drummer of Chaser comes up and tells me he's left-handed and that all the lights are gonna have to come off. I wouldn't mind if he wasn't a massive dick about it, and had said something when I'd started putting the lights on. Prick. After learning that both Evarose and Chaser were left handed, I decided it'd make more sense to have Evarose and Chaser on first as opposed to the drums going R-L-R-L-R. But Chaser started throwing a tantrum about how 'they're not an opening band' etc, which pretty much got on my last nerve. I hate how some bands just have this certain bravado about themselves. If I'd have known you'd throw your toys out the pram, I would've booked the gig at a nursery. Ridiculous.
After the debate about band order leaving me so very stressed out, I decided it'd be a good idea to relax my anger by downing half a bottle of Jagermeister. My friends know me too well. Apart from getting a comical book on learning Mandarin and some oriental action DVDs from everyone at Riot Pop Records, the only presents I got were Jager, sweets and cupcakes. I'm known for loving Jagermeister. I do have the emblem tattooed on my arm and it's the only thing I'll drink on tour because it's the only alcohol that doesn't mess my voice up. However, drinking a bottle and a half of it may have other consequences, as you'll find out.
By the time Maycomb are on, I'm gone. I don't really remember the transition, but I know I was drunk. Still standing, but drunk nonetheless. From what I remember, they were dead good as always. Then things got a bit real. When I drink, my hearing goes. I'm not sure why, it just does and it's horrible. I don't remember hearing anything else after their set, apart from every now and again someone shouting at me to wake up or to drink water. I remember hearing They Sink Ships announce that they were playing their last song and thinking to myself 'fuck, I'm on next.'
I'm such a mess. According to people: I called the drummer of Chaser a c*nt to his face, I was found collapsed on the floor side stage, my friend Liam went and printed out lyric sheets, because he was scared I wasn't gonna make it on stage, Rob from Lost On Campus nearly sang the set, I threw up several times and then apologised to random people walking past, attempted to punch a sofa and ultimately spent the majority of 3/4 hours passed out on a sofa backstage.
I'm outside in a bus stop.
I'm being escorted onto stage.
The next 30 minutes after that are all more of a blur than anything previous. I vaguely remember freestyling lyrics at least once and being impressed with myself at my drunk piano skills, (though it's totally possible that I messed up loads and was just drunk, so I thought It was amazing). I don't really remember being on stage though and I don't remember any noise. I know there was, and I know I was singing but I genuinely couldn't tell you 100%. Part of me woke up this morning thinking it must've been a dream, but there's photos and videos that say otherwise.
Ultimately, I'm a massive massive winner. I managed to drink more than I think should be humanly possible, play an amazing show (even if I don't remember it) and not get a hangover. Jonny from Maycomb drank last night and he feels horrible this morning. Gutted. Apparently he talked to a girl too. Wish I'd been sober enough to see that. In fact, the only three things I regret are;
1. Not being able to properly hang out with my friends because of the ridiculous state I was in.
2. Not being able to remember the show, when it'll be the last ever time I'll play those songs.
3. Losing £100 somewhere. Which fully sucks.
But we're playing Nottingham tonight. My friend Murta has just text me and, even though he saw the state I was in last night, he wants me to get on the party with him tonight at Rock City after we finish playing at the Central. I'm probably gonna opt out, but I'll let you know what happens.
I've just gotten off the phone to my best friend Ash, and apparently I punched one of the bouncers last night. No idea how I avoided death. Apparently I apologised to him hours previously saying I'd probably do something stupid. SAFE.
Nottingham was awesome though I had a hell of a problematic set. Not only did my hangover finally decide to kick in, but my G string broke. I always have that problem, I think it's just put them too tight. My guitar's G string broke. I've only ever worn a thong type thing once. I lost a bet and had to wear one for a day. Why girls even wear them, I'll never know. Not only did I look slutty, but it just wasn't comfortable. But yeah, tangent over, despite the problems and feeling like I'd been hit by a car I had a really fun night. Maycomb tore it up again, but you're probably getting bored of me repeating that. Go follow them on Facebook or Twitter or MySpace. I also found out that Dominos charged my account twice, they're gonna feel my wrath on Monday.
We're now heading home to Simon's mum's house to get some food and prepare ourselves for the show in Sheffield tomorrow. We all need some decent sleep and I definitely need a shower. I smell like I've used an entire bottle of Sex Panther. It's beautiful.
I wanna thank everyone that's making it to the shows, you're fucking amazing and it really does mean the world to us. Anyone that buys our merch is also a hero as it helps us live and ultimately keep doing this.
18 Jul - West Street Live Sheffield
19 Jul - The Fenton Leeds
20 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
21 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
22 Jul - Retro Bar Manchester
24 Jul - Blues Loft High Wycombe
3 Aug - The Musician w/ Jose Vanders & Luke Leighfield Leicester
5 Aug - Boileroom w/ In Gratitude Guildford
6 Aug - Hamptons w/ In Gratitude Southampton
7 Aug - The George w/ In Gratitude Luton
8 Aug - The Orange Box Yeovil