Alter The Press!


Exclusive Sam Little Tour Blog: Day Seven

Day Seven: Day Off in London

I'm sat on a balcony in London. The view is the best thing I've ever seen. The sky is most beautiful shade of dark blue and I can see the entire skycape of Canary Wharf. I'm surrounded by Maycomb, who in the last week have become my best friends in the world. I really don't want this tour to end, I know that's probably the case for everyone on tour, but I honestly don't think I've ever gotten on with a bunch of people as much as these guys. Bromance is very heavily in the air. Jimmy's sat next to me and if he was my type well, he'd be next haha. We're staying at a friend of theirs who's been amazing and putting us up in her room. It feels like a sleepover again. Sleepover tour 2010.

Highlights of today were getting another birthday present from Grace, which happened to be perfect (my pyjamas are so ripped up, and she'd bought me a new pair. BONUS!), taking some sweet photobooth photos with Jonny, which I'll twitpic and also today was the beginning of my new challenge. Everytime we stop at traffic lights, I have to see how many times I can run around the van before the lights turn green. I'm at one. Tomorrow's a whole new day, I reckon I might be able to break the world record and get three.

It's my birthday as well tomorrow. For the first time in a long time, I'm dead excited for it. I've decided I'm going to get horribly drunk. Like 'so drunk I should've been in a coma' drunk. It's gonna be amazing. I apologise if tomorrow's tour blog doesn't reach you till a day later. It'll probably read better. Either that or it'll just be a constant stream of me complaining that I'm so hungover and it feels like there was a party in my mouth, where everyone got drunk and threw up. Lovely stuff.

Today was a day off, so I apologise for the lack of interesting things. I have a feeling tomorrow'll make up for it. If you want to get me a present, either buy a shirt from or at 12 tomorrow, make 'samlittle' a trending topic on Twitter. Thanks in advance! :)

Remaining Dates:

16 Jul - Purple Turtle [Fleeing From Finales set] Camden
17 Jul - The Central Nottingham
18 Jul - West Street Live Sheffield
19 Jul - The Fenton Leeds
20 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
21 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
22 Jul - Retro Bar Manchester
24 Jul - Blues Loft High Wycombe
3 Aug - The Musician w/ Jose Vanders & Luke Leighfield Leicester
5 Aug - Boileroom w/ In Gratitude Guildford
6 Aug - Hamptons w/ In Gratitude Southampton
7 Aug - The George w/ In Gratitude Luton
8 Aug - The Orange Box Yeovil

Alter The Press!