Exclusive Sam Little Tour Blog: Day Six

We're nearly in Bath. There's still an hour to go though, and we just had the severe disappointment of being stuck in the wrong lane for the services. Jimmy's let us down. It had a Starbucks and a KFC as well, there's a lot of sadness in this van right now.
Last night concluded with me falling asleep shortly after 'Black Knight', while the others stayed up and watched 'Aladdin' and drank more beers. Jonny was so drunk. I remember my first beer. I'm toying with the idea of getting drunk on Friday, though I know I shouldn't as I'm on tour and I shouldn't jeopardise my money/voice for the sake of one night. Maycomb have other ideas, they reckon I should destroy myself. It is my 21st, so I probably will end up in a horrible state. Actually I think I remember people saying they were bringing me Jagermeister, it's probably gonna be a lot worse than horrible.
I'm so excited for the show tonight for a few reasons: Make Out Kids are playing, Tom from Pandy Cane & Grace from Demakes are both coming down and ultimately it's just gonna be a massive laugh. It's been a while since I've played Bath, but I'm quite confident that attendance will be real good.
Soundcheck involves getting to see some of my favourite people. Grace, Tom and the Make Out Kids guys are already there waiting for me with respective hugs. Grace gave me a shirt as an early birthday present which is RAD, go check out her clothing over at Tom's offered to give me a pair of his old shoes, as mine are literally on their last soles.
The show's pretty well packed, and Out Like A Lion are going down so well. They're on first which surprised me, but who am I to argue! Next on are Make Out Kids, who have asked me on to sing with them on a 5ive cover (Oh yeah!). I'm on after Ready Set Low, who have an absolute nightmare of a set. Everything's broken or breaking and after a total of two songs they give up.
Tonight was actually one of the best sets I've played in a while. I really enjoyed playing and I'm slowly finding my feet again with a few things. I played an R&B cover of 'Duality' by Slipknot, nuff said. The new song went down really well tonight as well, which is nice to see. I'm excited to show the world it, fully recorded and beautiful.
Sadly, everyone's cleared the room and gone home before Maycomb get a chance to start. I've got a lot of respect for this band. Like so much. There's probably 7 people watching them but they're rocking out so much and they're loving every second of it. It's amazing to watch, if not a bit inspiring.
I've only just looked at the time and apparently it's 11:40. Maycomb have just finished and the tiredness has just kicked in. I've efficiently packed the van again and we're waiting for the postcode to Grace's house. Tom's staying with us as well, 6 boys in a 5 seater van. Illegal = hardcore.
We're now all sitting downstairs in her house talking about chick flicks and where the hell we're gonna stay in London tomorrow for our day off. I'm sleepy. Night.
Remaining Dates:
16 Jul - Purple Turtle [Fleeing From Finales set] Camden
17 Jul - The Central Nottingham
18 Jul - West Street Live Sheffield
19 Jul - The Fenton Leeds
20 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
21 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
22 Jul - Retro Bar Manchester
24 Jul - Blues Loft High Wycombe
3 Aug - The Musician w/ Jose Vanders & Luke Leighfield Leicester
5 Aug - Boileroom w/ In Gratitude Guildford
6 Aug - Hamptons w/ In Gratitude Southampton
7 Aug - The George w/ In Gratitude Luton
8 Aug - The Orange Box Yeovil