Exclusive Sam Little Tour Blog: Day Four

Ipswich, we're coming for you.
We (me and Maycomb) are all packed and clean and ready. The next ten days are gonna be amazing. I went to the their band practice and they're gonna easily blow some people away on this tour. We tried to collaborate an amazing cover, but time was short and we had to go pack the van. As I'm oriental, I'm obviously amazing at Tetris, so the van is packed like a beast. Even the Maycomb guys are impressed at how much stuff I've managed to fit in a small space (wahey).
We're now sat in this van that'll probably contain more in-jokes, obscenities and skin that should be shared between five guys that met properly yesterday. I'm looking forward to it though. There's something about being crammed in a small van, driving for hours in the most ridiculous conditions, that makes it feel like a tour. I reckon I could do this forever, though I'm not sure if that'll still be the same story by day six.
We've been driving for less than an hour and there's already rubbish scattered on the floor, we're slowly running out of pre-90's music and the conversation's turned to sex and how 'Flicknife' wants to see if girls do really like it rough. I'm personally pretty lost in the conversation. I've never had sex. I tried it once in ASDA. I ran full speed into this girl whilst screaming but nothing really happened. She just started crying and swearing at me angrily and I think we were both in a lot of pain. I asked the boys if I was doing it wrong but they just reckon I wasn't screaming loud enough. They said the pain, tears and swearing is normal.
We're an hour from Ipswich when I hear the words "You're joking me right?! Ah fucks sake, okay." Apparently, the venue permanently closed on Saturday and no one thought we'd want to know till now. Cheers, it's not like we're on tour or anything.
After pulling over and debating a few options, one of which includes going to where the venue is and playing outside to anyone that comes down, we decide to just leave it and notify people on the internet to the best we can about the show being cancelled. It totally sucks as we're now about £60 out of pocket but we're playing Norwich tomorrow, which apparently isn't too far, and worse things have happened.
*If anyone wants to help us out, we're both selling shirts & CDs online:
The boys know someone just outside of Ipswich though, and he's gonna put us up as a favour. So we're heading to his for the night before the drive to Norwich for an early 3pm soundcheck tomorrow. Saviour. Maybe tomorrow we'll actually get to play a show or something. Maybe.
As for now, we're immersed in Slipknot induced singsongs, still driving somehow. It's like 11pm. I think we got lost, but 'Flicknife' won't admit it (haha). I'm excited for sleep, as it'll bring a new adventure tomorrow. Anyone that makes it down to Norwich tomorrow will probably witness our first attempt at our tour challenge to get a decent human pyramid. Video(s) to follow. It's with my good friends in They Sink Ships as well, so it should be more than do-able.
I also wanna thank everyone that's been reading this/coming to the shows and also AlterThe Press for publishing this on their site. To reward you for being awesome, expect a Sam Little presents 'The Human Centipede' (PG) video on Wednesday. Until tomorrow,yo.
Sam Little will be on tour throughout July and into August.
13 Jul - The B2 Norwich
14 Jul - Green Park Tavern Bath
16 Jul - Purple Turtle [Fleeing From Finales set] Camden
17 Jul - The Central Nottingham
18 Jul - West Street Live Sheffield
19 Jul - The Fenton Leeds
20 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
21 Jul - Sound Bar Birmingham
22 Jul - Retro Bar Manchester
24 Jul - Blues Loft High Wycombe
3 Aug - The Musician w/ Jose Vanders & Luke Leighfield Leicester
5 Aug - Boileroom w/ In Gratitude Guildford
6 Aug - Hamptons w/ In Gratitude Southampton
7 Aug - The George w/ In Gratitude Luton
8 Aug - The Orange Box Yeovil
alter the press,
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Sam Little Tour Blog