Brokencyde Respond To Fake Internet Stories

The band said:
"Usually the rumors about Brokencyde are funny and we can just laugh them off, but this time they've completely crossed the line. To have someone accuse us of such horrendous crimes is upsetting to everyone in the band. The members of Brokencyde have families, brothers, sisters, and some of us have children of our own. So to have our names dragged through the mud because people have nothing better to do than create lies and spread rumors is complete bullshit. I don't understand how such high profile publications can lower themselves to be no better than those supermarket tabloid rags and publish a story without a even a fact check! How would those same reporters feel if someone posted a story calling them a child molester or rapist? What would their loved ones think? I find it sad that these publications publish lies without any consideration or recourse for the way this affects people and their daily lives. Our goal since the day we started was to make music with our friends and hopefully put a smile on people's faces."
A new Brokencyde album is due to be released, before the end of 2010 on BreakSilence Recordings.