Brand New's 'Devil And God' AFS Vinyl Pressing Delayed

The label released the following statement:
"We have had a couple more setbacks with the release of Brand New’s “The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me” 2xLP. After two sets of test pressings, numerous artwork revisions and licensing issues, UMG notified me that their pressing plant couldn’t do the color combinations we decided to go with. After switching pressing plants, we finally received new test pressings (the 3rd set), which I will be listening to and hopefully approving today. We finally have the band’s full approval on the artwork and the test pressings, as well, which was a major obstacle with this release.
That being said, we are working as hard as possible to have the records ready to ship by the end of this month, and no later than early August. I am extremely excited to finally have things in motion and full approvals from all of the parties involved. This release has been an interesting experience, to say the least.
We apologize for the delay, I know it’s frustrating after months of setbacks. If you have any questions or concerns with your order, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me directly: I will post more detailed updates as soon as I have word from the pressing plant on shipment dates."