Album Review: A Major Motion Picture - True Bromance EP

‘True Bromance’ kicks things off in true popcore fashion, ‘You Ain’t Got Nothing On Magic Fingers, Yo!’ gets things off to a speedy start with some solid riffs and tasty harmonics. Of course it wouldn’t be popcore without some gang vocals, and it’s nice to hear them not being overused.
‘The Reunion’ continues in the same vein, although with slightly more lighter melody aspects, before the mid section which like the first track falls heavily into the realms of Four Year Strong. The inclusion of some auto tuned electronic vocals as a hook seem too Ke$ha to be cool, but the rest of the track is strong enough not to deter you altogether.
This is a short EP and ‘If Winning Wasn’t Important, Then Why’d They Invent Scoreboards?’ brings it to a sudden end. With some delicious chugging guitars in the breakdown that deliver one of the strongest sections on the record, coming to a close with some well crafted pop harmonies.
Although extremely short it’s an enjoyable affair, strong vocals are prominent throughout and every verse feels like another sing-a-long. But it’s hard to listen to ‘True Bromance’ without the strong feeling that you’ve heard it all before, but luckily enough they deliver just enough of their own flair to not just feel like a cheap carbon copy.
'True Bromance EP' by A Major Motion Picture is available now through Bandcamp.
A Major Motion Picture on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.
Connor O’Brien