Album Review: Emarosa - Emarosa

Seconds into 'A Toast to the Future Kids!' and you're taking back from Craig's soulful, confident delivery. Backed by intricate-yet-fierce guitars the six-piece settle into a quite "safe" post-hardcore tone, one that is mellow and allows Craig's lyrics to be forced out front.
Nonetheless tracks like 'Share the Sunshine Young Blood' and 'Truth Hurts While Laying on Your Back' subtly allow the bands playing to shine through; Lukas Koszewski's drums at times pound and thump as if he is battling with Craig's soaring vocals, whilst ER White's and Jonas Ladekjaer's guitars compliment well and provide rhythm and direction.
As previously stated the band quickly settle in, as 'The Game Played Right' and 'Broken vs. the Way We Were Born' on their own do not sound that much different to the earlier, stronger tracks but credit to both the band and producer Brian McTernan, they keep up the flowness of the record.
Elsewhere 'I Still Feel Her Pt. 4' sees Craig once again draw you with his power and superb songwriting ability, whilst backed by distant, driving guitars that provides the right balance.
It is a credit to all those involved, as throughout the band manage to create an atmosphere which takes you to another place, as musically Emarosa are not too heavy and each track is structurally well thought out, whilst Craig is the leader and constantly draws you in with his passionate tales.
'Emarosa' is an resounding "post-hardcore" record that, to an extent, exceeds expectations. Whilst its not perfect; musically the band at time sound repetitive, Emarosa have made a record that is concise and impresses. Although I'll admit this is more due to Craig's talents rather than the bands, which could be both the album and bands downfall.
'Emarosa' by Emarosa is available now on Rise Records.
Emarosa on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.
Sean Reid