Album Review: This Years Winner Is.. - Always Goes Down Smooth

'A Bigger Breakdown Than Lad' opens with an honest showcase of their abilities with what is easily the poppiest song on their offering containing some sweet vocals harmonies and a chorus capable of taking on some serious crowds. The band get creative with 'Mike Bush Is Not A Dude's opening salvo of riffs and guitar harmonics before letting the various vocalists intertwine their voices in effective fashion. 'We're Flying/They're Sinking' doesn't change much to the formula, if not a little more energy, but works well enough not to sound too similar to the rest.
'Smooth Talkers & Sleep Walkers' is easily the band's heaviest effort and the melodic parts are well worked into the songs, in a way not unknown to a certain Four Year Strong. Final track 'Eleven' is more of the same, by which I imply another high-octane power supply of upbeat guitar fire and it's good, very good.
If you haven't heard of this band before, now is the time too. Fans of true pop-punk should grab this EP as soon as they can before they get too hot. Britain might have their answer to Four Year Strong, just maybe.
'Always Goes Down Smooth' by This Years Winner Is... is available now on Section Five Records.
This Years Winner Is... on MySpace and Facebook.
James Berclaz-Lewis