The Wonder Years Sign To Hopeless Records

"Hopeless Records is excited to welcome the newest members of the family, Philadelphia’s own, The Wonder Years. Made up of vocalist Dan Soupy Campbell, guitarists Matt Brasch and Casey Cavaliere, bassist Josh Martin, drummer Mike Kennedy and keyboardist/guitarist Nick Steinborn… The Wonder Years are just six dudes here to bring you some pop-punk straight from the Keystone state.
In regards to the signing The Wonder Years want everyone to know, “Hopeless was the right choice for us. We’ve never been concerned with sounding like the other bands on a label. I mean, when we signed with No Sleep there were two other bands on the label. One sounded like Botch and the other sounded like Modest Mouse. For us, it’s more important that a label gets us and what we want to do and after a ton of meetings with Hopeless, we know that it’s the right home for us. The roster is small and so we know we won’t get lost in the mix. The staff members are hard working and super nice. We respect all of the charity work the label does and are excited to be a part of a label that has such an interest in helping people. Hopeless has an amazing back catalouge full of some of my all-time favorite records and we’re really honored to have the chance to even be mentioned in the same breath as some of their bands.”
The Wonder Years’ first home was with the SoCal independent label, No Sleep Records which put out numerous EP’s, splits and the recent full length album “The Upsides” for the band.
The band adds “No Sleep is one of the best up and coming labels right now. In a few years, Chris is going to be on top of this game and we couldn’t be more excited for him and the bands he’s signing. We love that dude with all our hearts and are so proud of how far his label has come. For us, it was time to move on.”
No Sleep Records president, Chris Hansen shows the band his support, “The Wonder Years and No Sleep have been together for basically almost both of our lifetimes, and I couldn’t be happier or prouder of how far they have come and with their move to Hopeless Records. Support these guys always, some of the best dudes and my best friends.”