Van Atta High Split Up

A statement from the band can be viewed by clicking read more.
"Hey y'all,
Unfortunately I've got some bad news to break.
It is sad for me to say that at the end of a run lasting over 4 years, Van Atta High will be calling it a day.
This decision wasn't one we took lightly - it is something we've been talking over and considering for a long time now, and it is at this time in our lives that we feel best fit to pack up and move on.
VAH started out as a fun project with original members Santino LoConte, Socraties Moutsakis, Jarret Gallipoli (RIP<3), Kyle Brazier, and myself back in 2006, and I don't think any of us expected it to ride out for as long as it has, especially me.
It has been full of countless experiences, infinite memories, the beginning of a lot of friendships, as well as the end of some, but through it all, the point always remained the same - to make music and have fun with it - and that's what we've tried to do all the way until now.
To say the very least, I owe every single person who has supported and followed us the greatest and most everlasting gratitude. To say the most, you all have shaped me into the person I have become today, and for that I'm forever grateful. The people I've been lucky enough to befriend, work alongside, and communicate with over the years have been some of the most inspiring people out there. I've seen how music matters in people's lives - I've seen the passion that I spend a lot of my time searching for, and it has changed me for the best.
To the fans, we would have been nothing without you all. We wish there were some way to really show you how much we appreciate everything YOU have made possible. Sincerely, thank you.
We plan to play a few farewell shows towards the end of summer, where we hope everyone who has ever shared a good time with us can come and hang out for one last time. We also plan to finish writing a couple new songs and record those along with all the VAH songs that never saw the light of day. Hopefully we'll give you all something to remember us by.
This is the closing to a huge chapter of my life, but with every closed door, it is said that many new paths emerge. I assure you music will always be a primary focus for me, as well as the rest of the VAH crew, so please keep posted on all our future endeavors and please don't be afraid to keep in touch. Please wish all of us the best of luck with whatever paths we end up taking in the future, because still, your support means the world to us.
I'll always be available for a chat if any of you have something you'd like to share! Whether it be good things or bad things, I welcome it. Be mature, and I shall be your friend :) AIM - punkysk8123
We want to thank all the bands we've been lucky enough to share the stage with over the years. There are so many talented people out there, I feel honored to have met all of you. Hope you all continue to rock on hard <3
Thanks for the memories, we love you guys all so much.
Follow your dreams and don't let anyone tell you something is impossible.
-Steve Kellner and VAH"