InnerPartySystem Update

A full update and details of the EP can be viewed by clicking read more.
The first important day of IPS May madness is upon is, the pre-order for the American Trash bundle starts today. We’ve worked hard on it, so let’s break it down:
For $25 bucks (plus shipping) you get:
- A limited edition (only 500 pressed) GOLD 7inch with special dye cut packaging. We just got our first test press and they look LEGIT! Photo's don’t do these babies justice. Side A is American Trash, Side B is a slaying remix by Starkey.
- A download code for the AMERICAN TRASH EP redeemable through our online store, which includes the starkey remix, and two IPS remixes (one by Kris, one by Jared, both very different and cool in their own way.)
- Limited edition ‘American Trash’ inspired T-shirts, designed by Patrick. These will only be available as part of the bundle in our store and upcoming shows. Once all 500 are gone, that's it, they're gone.
We are very sorry to say to our international fans that due to… well, being broke, we’re only able to manufacture the bundle in the US. You can still order it in the US store but the shipping is a bit more. If you’re in the UK we’re hoping to soon announce some contests on our favorite websites where you can win the 7’s and the songs will be on iTunes shortly. Hope to have this fixed for our next release.
Upcoming dates to mark in your calendar:
May 6th - IPS DJ set at Harpers Ferry - Boston, MA.
w/Passion Pit (DJ Set) – see you soon boston!
May 18th - AMERICAN TRASH Bundle release date
*(Pre-orders ship,
*This is your way to download the American Trash EP one week before it goes on iTunes/Amazon/Etc.
Pre-Order Yours Now
May 20th - IPS at Webster Studio in New York, NY-
Buy your tickets now! It’s not sold out yet but they are moving.
Buy Tix Here
May 21st - IPS at the Note in West Chester, PA:
Pennsylvania never looked so good. It’s been too long.
Buy Tix Here
Phew, glad to get that all out of the way. We wanted to mention something on a more personal note. Outside of the 140 character variety if you’ll stick with us. If you happen to live in Northeast ‘Merica, you know that the weather has gone from spring-jackets to swamp-ass in no time. Which is symbolic of one thing to us: Times, they are a’ changin’… FAST.
In the vein of change, we’ve been getting a lot of inquiries from fans as to exactly what are release plans are. We’ve got a policy of crystal clear honesty with fans, so we wanted to let you know exactly what we’re thinking:
We’ve taken a lot of time to explore our future label/release options in the past few months feel pretty strongly that rushing out a full album right now doesn’t make sense. Our solution was to start putting out singles ourselves. We want to give each song the attention we feel they deserve. For the time being we plan on releasing 2 more bundles in the coming weeks/ months, and each one better and more developed then the last.
This is not the easiest route because we’re not millionaires with tons of scratch to sink into marketing and promo. We lead pretty modest existences by any standards, and over the past few months we’ve been keeping it “incredibly real” as anyone in Mohnton, PA will attest. So income from ‘American Trash’, will directly fund the release of the second single ‘Money Makes the World Go Round’, and each single’s sales dictate what we can spend on future singles, albums, DVD’s, etc.
To us, that was a big flaw in contemporary label system logic. You’re taking a huge gamble on something that ‘might’ happen, and if it doesn’t right away everyone gets a wicked case of the Mondays. With our single sales method, it’s not as much gambling as fighting to prove your worth. A ‘working band’s’ model. If people believe in this band enough to buy singles, t-shirts, etc. all the profits come back to us, and allow us to invest back into marketing future singles, the live show production, touring in more areas, etc. It’s not a revolution, it’s simple logic, and looking at the most productive use of resources.
It gets tricky because (again, crystal clear honesty) our music takes a pretty extensive process to make. There’s a lot of ‘No this isn’t good enough.’ And each track gets written, and rewritten until it we feel it’s up to release standards. It’s much more time consuming then a band who walks in with a producer, cuts vocals, and awaits the final mix. Infact, this is the first time since the Download EP (besides remixes of course) that you’re hearing new IPS music untouched. No extra producers or mixers like we were blessed with on the self titled album. This music is recorded by us, and handed directly to your hard drive.
And that means a lot to us. We know that if you want music today, you’re going to get it. Just ask a friend for a link. Once one person has it, everyone has it. Anyone thinking they can contain that is straight trippin.
But we’re not 100% sure how to pay our mortgage if all music is free and clear. In fact these past few months we’ve been really caught up doing extra remixes and auxiliary production work so we can bring you this release. We’ve been fortunate enough to find some exciting commercial scoring work for promos and film to help connect the dots, more details on that to come in the near future.
Weather you buy a bundle, or you just make the extra effort to pick up the album on itunes, amazon, etc. that means something to us. If you happen to think our music’s worth more then we’re asking and have cash to blow, we’re not going to discourage you, you can name your own price at our Bandcamp site (insert link here) If you like what we’re doing, and take the time to twitter, facebook, blog, etc. that you like it to other people you know, that REALLY means something to us. And if you’ve actually got the motivation to call or email a radio station, sirius / xm show, etc. and let them know how much you like what we’re doing… well, shit, you get the idea. This has always been a band that has existed on the back of people’s natural enthusiasm for what we’re making.
We don’t know what the future will hold for music, and we don’t know exactly what it will hold for us. We may not be the band to reinvent the system, but the beauty of being a musician right now is that you have direct communication with any fan that cares enough to listen. You are important to us. We promise to make the best music we possibly can, we just want to figure out what the best way is for you to hear it.
Thanks for being a part of this.