Ex-Deaf Havana Vocalist Comments on Exit
"I can't go into detail about certain aspects of my choice to leave the band, but there are a number of things that led to the decision," he admitted. "Basically when one element of your life is pulling you one way, and another is pulling you another you're either gonna snap or you have to let one go. Deaf Havana was started in my bedroom five years ago, and since then I have had the time of my life, but over five years people change, including myself of course. Most importantly goals, aims and ambitions change, not just in the band but with my life.
When you're a teenager all you want to be is a rockstar, you don't give a fuck about anything else, then a little bit later you just wanna try and get by playing music for a living. At the end of the day there are loads of little mini reasons for me having/wanting to leave, but overall I feel like I have made the right desicion. I needed some time off, and to ask a band on the rise to take a few months off is a lot to ask, and I couldn't expect them to wait around forever so I wish them all the best and know they are going to go far.
I'm still writing and recording stuff as we speak, so hopefully that will see the light of day when I feel like I'm ready to get back on top of everything."