Deaf Havana Vocalist Leaves

"Hi All,
This isn't easy for any of us but sometimes life throws curveballs at you which you have deal with as and when they come.
As most of you know Ryan couldn't do the Emery tour due to some family circumstances, unfortunately these have escalated and he is no longer in a position to carry on with the band. Obviously, we cannot disclose the information or reasons behind this, but we can tell you now it hasn't been easy.
We are starting work as a four piece and will continue to play all the songs you know from us as well as songs for the new record which we have already started working on.
The past 5 years have been amazing and we have been lucky to tour all over the UK and Europe with Ryan as a friend and singer. We will miss him dearly but have to support him in this situation. Hopefully he'll send us something through to send to you guys soon.
We just want to say thank you to all of you for coming to our shows, buying our shirts and buying our records. We will continue to write music that means something to us until our dying day and we hope you stick by us.
So here we are, a new era for Deaf Havana, and a new begining. Thank you to Ryan for all of his work and we wish him all the luck in the future but for now, we are excited about the prospects of what this brings for the band and it's a pleasure to have you all involved!
Hope you like the new song and Thanks a lot!
DH x"