Album Review: Not Advised - After The Fight

'Right Now' and 'The Hope Killed The Hype' nicely keep up the momentum with the latter especially highlighting the lead singer's vocals whilst a light guitar section leads the track through.
Throughout the bright, soaring sing-a-longs are out in force with 'Jane Says Left' being one the highlights with its "woahs" and a structure that explodes once it hits the bursting chorus.
Whilst recent single 'The World's Not Ready' could be a strong candidate for single of the year, as it defines who Not Advised are and where they are going, with a chorus that will get stuck in your head more or less straight away. It brings home the mini-album brilliantly and just leaves you smiling, much like the whole record.
As already said, Not Advised are confident in what they do and they do it brilliantly. Dare I say it; and apologize to the band or anyone offended by this, but Not Advised could be labelled as the "new You Me At Six", as they have the hooks and overall songs to go down that road; if they wish too. However like their last release ('Fight For This'), 'After The Fight' is vibrant and flows with much ease and has an overall feel-good vibe that just makes you want to hear it over and over again. A short, concise yet exceedingly brilliant pop-punk record for the summer.
'After The Fight' by Not Advised is available now on LAB Records.
Purchase through LAB Records here.
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after the fight,
Album Review,
LAB Records,
Not Advised