Thrice Update

"Hey everyone. I apologize that the tour had to be cancelled but I had to get home to be with my Dad. He has an aggressive tumor in his brain and will be undergoing surgery this week. He wanted to convey his apologies as well (though I’m sure you’ll agree it’s unnecessary,) and also his thanks for your support of the band and our family. The tumor is near the language center of his brain which has made communicating increasingly difficult for him, so my Mom helped to edit the message below that he composed to all of you.
I want to say how sorry I am to each of you who have to miss seeing Thrice in concert on account of my health issues. I have been diagnosed with a large brain tumor and things at this point are very unsure and serious. I will be having surgery in the next few days. Both Dustin and his brother Chase were out on tour and returned home for some precious family time. I am blessed to have the most unbelievable family to support and love me through this. Through the years I have met many amazing Thrice fans who are the most wonderful people, as a matter of fact as I was having my CT scan and the technician asked if I was Dustin Kensrue’s dad, and I proudly said Yes!!!! I love all of the guys in this awesome band and am sorry for the fact this is affecting them too. This has been a tough year on all of the guys in Thrice with family heartache, we all thank you for your prayers and good wishes!
Doug Kensrue
I want to thank everyone for their understanding and support and prayers. I spent last night and today with my family and am very glad I made the decision to leave as quickly as I did. Life is precious and fleeting, and events like these make real the fact that every moment is a gift, not a right. I thank God for the gift of my father, for the ways he has loved me and the things he has taught me thus far, and for the ways he will continue to love me and teach me in the time that God gives us.
By the grace of God,
Dustin Kensrue"