More Slam Dunk Festival Details

May 29 - Hatfield Uni (Slam Dunk South)
May 30 - Leeds University (Slam Dunk North)
GLAMOUR KILLS STAGE: New Found Glory, Four Year Strong, Set Your Goals, Hit The Lights, Out Of Sight
ATTICUS/JAGERMEISTER STAGE: Alkaline Trio, Against Me, We Are The Ocean, Rolo Tomassi, Young Guns, Fireworks, Moneen
VANS STAGE: Capdown, Skindred, RX Bandits, Sonic Boom Six, Random Hand
RELENTLESS STAGE: The Rocket Summer, The Audition, Every Avenue, Breathe Carolina, Crime In Stereo, The Wonder Years, This Time Next Year
IMPERIAL CLOTHING STAGE: My Passion, Devil Sold His Soul, Your Demise, Blackhole, Azriel
KERRANG! INTRODUCING STAGE: Futures, Deaf Havana, Not Advised, Straight Lines, Kill Casino
BABYCAKES BAR: L'Amour La Morgue, Sean Smith, Millionaires
Also Kerrang and Macbeth are giving one band the chance to open the Kerrang! Introducing stage. Fans can submit entries by sending an e-mail to and the band of their choice in the subject title.
The only rules are that your band of choice MUST be a new band from the UK and MUST NOT have played Slam Dunk Festival before. Any duplicate or votes coming from unregistered addresses will not be valid.