Austin Carlile Comments On Of Mice and Men Rumours

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"Don’t jump to conclusions. The band said to management that they wanted me out because they felt I was lying about my heart condition, and how it limits my physical activity. They, and management alike, didn’t want someone in the band who is going to simply pick and choose tours. This is 100% understandable.
Since I started the band back in Ohio, and was the only one that signed the Rise Records contract, to now, almost a year later, all the guys in the band have shown and told me how appreciative they are that they were in this with me. They all expressed how thankful they were for the shot at this kind of success, and were stoked for our futures together. Most of them were saying this during the last two tours. I grew to love all of them and individually we each shared some rad moments talking about life and how excited we were to finally be doing what we loved and making something out of it.
It came time to go on tour with Alesana, A Skylit Drive, and We Came As Romans, and I couldnt go out with them because I wanted and needed to get my heart fixed. It had been constantly hurting me, and also was like a cloud hanging over my head every day. I couldnt go a long period of time without worrying about it. It was simply driving me insane that I was walking around with a ticking time bomb inside of my chest, especially because 2 years previous, I had been told by my cardiologist in Ohio that I would need the surgery within 2 to 3 years.
During the first couple of weeks of tour while I was getting insurance issues worked out, going from MD’s, to cardiologists, to cardiologists, the whole band was very supportive. Example: “Dude how are you feeling today?” “Hey man hope all is well! Have some kids here saying to get better!” to “Miss you fool!” and “Any news on Doctor stuff yet?” All of them cared, all of them seemed to be okay with it until I stepped on some ones toes…
I called Jaxin one night upset about everything going on, and to talk to him about stuff. I could always go to things with him. He and I always had the most heart felt conversations, and had a good time together period. We moved across the country together to start this band because it was both of our dreams. I loved and trusted him with everything. He was, obviously, my best friend. I told him about the struggle with insurance, and how rough things were dealing with health crap again, and how the road/tour was where I needed to be. I also told him that I was going to ask my girlfriend at the time to marry me. He said that that was totally cool, but not to tell anyone just yet because he didnt want to put a damper on him and his girlfriend’s engagement/marriage that was coming up shortly after the Alesana tour. He seemed happy for me, and it was a great feeling. I agreed to not say anything even though I was unclear of the reasoning but I thought to myself “this isnt a competition? I wonder why he doesnt want me telling anyone about us before he and the bird? hmmm.”
On February 13th I asked my girlfriend to marry me. Got down on one knee at a secluded beach cliff in Northern California and just did it.
It was one of the happiest moments of my life. I couldnt contain myself and posted a tweet saying that I was now engaged! I was super stoked, and did not want to hide this moment at all. I had no idea I was going to be this overfilled with love and joy. I would have shouted it from the rooftops if given the chance. Minutes after this, I received a couple of outrageous texts from Jaxin. Throughout the entire night I tried to talk to him, and tell him that I was sorry that I went back on what I said, but that I couldnt help it. I was too happy. But all I got in return were responses from him like “youre an ignorant hick.” “you are dead to me” “no one likes you, everyone hates you and you dont matter to anyone.” I was appalled he had said these things and told him I’d back off and give him space, told him I loved him and would be here to talk when he wanted. He responded saying once again that I was dead to him and that he never wanted to talk to me again after what I did to him. What I did? I got engaged. Got stoked on it. And told the world. Did I go back on my word to him? YES. So could you say that I lied to him? YES. I have no problem admitting that, and for that, I maturely apologize. But once I asked her, there was no turning back for me.
From that night on, none of the members would talk to me, and neither would Jaxin. The only person I have had the slightest contact with is Tino over the past month or so. I guess by making myself happy, I had ruined Jaxin and I’s relationship and he felt it right to ruin me by talking bad on me behind my back. If any of you have been to his twitter recently you can see him openly comparing me to Charles Manson, and even saying I have no talent and cannot scream. Calling me a fake, and arrogant. He is making it out to seem like I club baby seals or stole an ex girlfriend from him. All I did was get married. Before I announced it he and I were on perfect terms, and the band was doing just fine. I don’t think it calls for all of this.
Also, it’s upsetting me that my “loyal fans” are turning their backs on me literally over night just because of a simple Formsping question Jaxin’s GIRLFRIEND made out of the anger she shares with him. Racist? Sexist?-my WIFE is over half Native American and BLACK. What if my wife wanted to talk bad on Jaxin because of all the hurtful things he said to me? What if I wrote some huge long story saying a bunch of rude things that have nothing to do with the music industry and most not even being true? You would all be pointing the finger at him just as you are to me. If you notice none of the rest of the band, yet, is saying malicious things. They have no reason to.
I started this band from nothing, and started it to have fun and do what I love. Im not going to let one persons spitefulness ruin that for me. Lies about my heart? I have proof on this page. And proof from years of my family dealing and knowing about it. I will have doctors notes, and medical stuff posted soon also. Surgery is in the near future for me, as well. So if you think Im getting kicked out of the band because of this/that, blah blah, he said, she said, sexist, racist…etc. No. I’m going no where, and I dont care if I have to find one, or three, or four new members, Of Mice & Men will continue on. Do I want new members? No. But I will do whatever I have to to keep the band iiii started alive. The band iii put my heart and soul into since I left Attack Attack. It was my hope, life, and dream. Even if I have to take them to court, then I will. I have made this my life, and I will not give it up without a fight.
“Oh you stayed home and faked a heart problem just to be with your hot wife…” …… Yeah right, that makes sense. I skipped out on the biggest tour OM&M has ever been on just so I could sit home alone 4 days a week while she works and be bored. Good call. Give me a break. Why would I lie to miss out on doing what I love most. Thats is ridiculous and so is this entire situation of name calling, personal hatred, and trying to ruin my name. Keep talking."