Saosin Pull Out Of Aiden UK Tour

The band made the following statement:
"We've decided to cancel our dates with aiden in europe this april-may. To be honest, were super bummed, the last time we were in the UK was 2007 with alexisonfire and those shows were awesome. But its just not the right time for us to be over there. I wish I had some elaborate story about members losing limbs while shark diving, but the truth of the matter is, we didn't get a record released In the UK and europe was a lackluster one at best. This is the reality of the times I suppose, downloading, bad business models, and the economy etc. Its all too blame, but the bottom line is, it costs a lot to tour, esepecially overseas, and its never been more important then now, to make sure as a band, that we are touring intelligently and not just because. We hope no one is super mad at us, and promise that once we get a home figured out for the record, we will. Be back and ready to give you the SAOSIN you expect Cheers friends and again, we apologize and hope you understand the circumstances."