Interview: We The Kings

Travis spoke to ATP about their new album, 'Smile Kid', being back in the UK, In-N-Out Burger and more.
Alter The Press: How does it feel to be back playing in the UK?
Travis Clark (vocals): I absolutely love it here. Everyone makes me feel like I'm home, maybe it's because I'm a redhead!
ATP: Last time you were here headlining with Hey Monday, how was it for you?
Travis: The crowds were insane. I'm pretty sure the whole tour was sold out, which is unbelievable. It's getting crazier and crazier every time we come over here, which is really cool. I actually had a group of girls chase me about a mile through London last time I was in town!
ATP: How would you compare, 'Smile Kid' to your first release?
Travis: On 'Smile Kid', we tried to add a little more dynamic to the record. It's still as catchy and upbeat as the first, but I would say there are way more sing-a-longs and bells and whistles, which I know the UK loves!
ATP: What made you choose, ‘Heaven Can Wait’, as the first single?
Travis: That was the first song that we had for the record and we didn't really plan on it being anymore than just a track on the record, but the fans liked it so much that we decided to make it a single to kind of say "thank you" to all of our fans who made us who we are.
ATP: The track, ‘In-N-Out (Animal Style)’. Is that your order from In-N-Out Burger (Southern California fast food chain)?
Travis: Yup, it's the absolute best! On a side note, I love food.
ATP: ‘We’ll Be A Dream’, has been chosen for the next single. Have you shot a video yet, if so, is there anything you can reveal?
Travis: We are actually working out the video stuff right now. The song features Demi Lovato who is a good friend of mine so her and I have been working on some ideas for a video.
ATP: What has been the best tour you’ve been on so far?
Travis: I really like playing on the Vans Warped Tour. It's definitely the band summer camp of tours, so many good people and friends; also not to mention how many fans come out to the shows! As far as our UK touring goes, the You Me At Six 'Hold Me Down' tour has been the absolute best. They are the nicest dudes alive!
ATP: Do you have plans to return back to the UK for a full headline run?
Travis: I hope to come back sometime later on this year. We wanted to play a lot more songs on this tour, but unfortunately didn't have enough time to do so. Definitely next time we'll play everything that people wanted to hear!
ATP: What’s planned after this tour?
Travis: We are headlining a college tour in the US with the Maine and Cartel supporting, so it should be loads of fun! Then of course headlining Warped Tour 2010.
'Smile Kid' is out now on S-Curve Records.
- Jon Ableson