Interview: One For The Team

Alter The Press: You’re third full-length, ‘Ghosts’, has finally been released. How does it feel?
Ian Anderson (vocals/guitar): It feels great. We’re all really excited to have this album out and into the world as it has grown to be the band favorite.
ATP: How would you compare the record to previous releases?
Ian: It’s darker, louder and faster. It’s also a concept album that has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
ATP: What are your favorite tracks from the record and why?
Ian: I think 'I Got Tamed' is my favorite track from 'Ghosts.' I really wanted to write a song that would capture how it would feel to be unable to communicate with your loved ones, while being able/forced to be with them and watch them grow as people, without you truly being around. I personally can’t think of anything more sad, really. And I think this arrangement came pretty close to what I heard in my head when I wrote the song. Plus, John Vanderslice sings on the track as well and really adds to how beautiful the song is.
ATP: For anyone who doesn’t know, how did One For The Team originate?
Ian: Originally, the band was a side project for all of the pop songs that I wrote that didn’t fit in with my first band, Aneuretical. Elliot, orginaly bass player John Krueger, and I hammered out that album as something fun to do over a series of weekends in 2006. Then, the band just took off without any of us really knowing and we decided to start focusing on it as our main project. Now, the band is comprised of members of other bands that played out in Minneapolis and actually were all on Afternoon Records at one point or another. I’ve known Elliot since he was 13 and in a badass pop-punk band. He grew up to play drums in a post-punk-hardcore project called Towers Thick Walls and it was always so much fun to watch him play. At some point, it just clicked that I wanted to start a band with him. As the band progressed, Grace, who played bass in another band on Afternoon Records called The Battle Royale, joined the party due to her awesome vocal abilities, that was pretty much the point when we decided to put our lives into this band. Jacob, who I have known since we were in High School and was in yet another AR band called Look Down, completed the family in October 2008.
ATP: How do you manage to juggle your schedule around with being in One For The Team and running Afternoon Records?
Ian: My schedule is actually much easier than one might think. Being in a band on tour truly lends itself well to this type of job, simply because most label work is internet and phone based. If I have internet access and a phone, I can run the label from anywhere. And with the band, what better way to spend the 4-10 hours a day we’re in a van driving than to work? Granted, I still have to work insane hours and way more than I should, but at least on the road I don’t have my couch and PlayStation3 calling my name every twenty minutes.
ATP: Have you ever run into the problem where it was becoming an issue being out of the office either on the road or recording?
Ian: I am very fortunate to have a wonderful and beyond capable staff at home in Minneapolis handling the day-to-day, need-to-be-there type of things, and haven’t really run into any issues beyond forgetting something at home or taking something I shouldn’t have.
ATP: Any new signings on the horizon from Afternoon Records?
Ian: We just signed an amazing band from Cincinnati, Ohio called Pomegranates. We are all very excited about them and can’t wait to help spread the word about them.
ATP: When are you planning on coming to the UK?
Ian: We’ve been kicking around a few options, but nothing is completely solid at the moment. Hopefully this year!
ATP: If you could tour with any band, who would it be?
Ian: I would sure like to open for Black Sabbath, but since that really isn’t an option nowadays, I suppose David Byrne, Frightened Rabbit, or Les Savy Fav.
ATP: What is planned next for One For The Team?
Ian: As for our future plans, we’re working hard on spreading the word about 'Ghosts' and we will continue to tour on it until we finally achieve tabloid-level, can’t leave the house because it’s too crazy outside with photographers type fame.
'Ghosts' is out March 16th on Afternoon Records.
- Jon Ableson