Bayonets Update

"So yet again it's been a very long time since anything has been entered into this little box... but let it be known that this time has not been spent faffing around doing nothing! Oh no, we have lots of exciting stuff going on in Bayonets camp, which I'm gonna let y'all reading this in on!
Firstly, we've been busy writing songs! We're all really really excited about the new material which has been coming together over the last couple of months and we really hope that you'll fall in love with what we're doing as much as we have! And this leads me on to exciting goings on no. 2...
We're gonna be heading back into the studio! (Well.. mark's house..) That's right, we've decided that it just wouldn't be right to write all of these new songs without fapping them out into a second release. Two weeks in April will see us working alongside Ant West (of Futures and John Candy fame) to get a few of these new tracks together.. and we're all extremely excited about this! Everything's gone to extremes on these new songs; it's louder but quieter, faster but more delicate... and we love it!
But then of course, where would a release be without some shows to go along with it?! So guess what... We're booking a full UK tour in June! (feel free to get in touch about maybe putting on a show as part of this ;])
That's about all for now I think... but more news will undoubtedly make its to your eyes and ears in the not to distant future
Stay classy