Album Review: 8^ Records 2010 Sampler

Whether or not is was the shrewdest move having the grindcore act, Angel Face open up both sides remains to be seen. Though Angel Face do suffer for sticking out like a sore thumb, what they do, they do well. As expected, heavy riffs and guttural vocals are standard fare, yet Angel Face somehow manage to be catchy at the same time. "White Trash Piece Of Shit" is their better track due to it lasting longer than thirty seconds, however there is also something quite satisfying about grunting along to the title's sentiments. Anyone who is into music that's at the heavier end of the spectrum will enjoy Angel Face.
Incredibly the next band The Unpatriotics, appear to have found the middle ground between street punk and that early 80's DC hardcore sound. Their side A track "By My Enemies" is punk by numbers. The vocalists delivery is akin to that of Jesse Michaels on speed, yet musically the track is more like a Casualties song. Think fast repetitive drums, three chord guitar riffs and gang vocals aplenty during the chorus. Second track "Means Nothing To Me" is not only their best song, but perhaps the best track on the compilation. The band stick to the punk style chorus, but have an almost Black Flag-esque approach to the verse, which makes for a crazy raging mash up. The two tracks by The Unpatriotics on this compilation will leave you wanting more.
The last two bands A Disco for Ferns and The Dead Pawns are largely interchangeable. Three of the four tracks could easily be early Vandals numbers. They all have the trademark slightly maniacal delivery, fast guitars and comedy choruses. They arent bad tracks on by any means. The Dead Pawns definitely sound better when they are aping Lars Fredriksen on the final track "Elvira". However despite the fact that all the tracks are listenable, they are largely overshadowed by The Unpatriotics.
On the whole this is a tidy little compilation of good punk tracks and is worth tracking down. 8^ Records should be congratulated for their ethos and the bands are all worth investigating further.
8^ Records 2010 Sampler can be downloaded for free here.
Daniel Issitt