Aspen Sails Sign To Alcopop

It’s been a while since we announced the signing of Screaming Maldini in a firework laden splash of excitement – so it seems about time that the Alcopop family (lets for a moment pretend they’re a happily grazing herd of horses) welcome the newest foal into the stable, nuzzle him gently and show him to the oatbag. Is this a ridiculous analogy? Neigh! So without further ado, it is my pleasure to announce Alcopop’s newest recruits. Aspen Sails!
Lazily comparing them to other bands is nigh on impossible, but ideal for those who enjoy soul-searching folk-infused indie with the kind of river-deep soul that the likes of Fleet Foxes, Iron and Wine and My First Tooth deliver with aplomb… It should be perfect. The duo, recently named as BBC Radio Gloucester’s band of the year, quite an accolade no doubt, have been on the PoP radar for some time, and after some storming shows in the latter part of 2010, sealed the deal, as it were.
The 405 said of them that they have “harmonious music that had the atmosphere of an endearing American county ballad. They had the skill to silence the room with such soaring vocals and foot-tapping sequences”, whilst The Fly were also keen to wax lyrical “perfect harmonies, songs that will melt your heart.”
Their debut single (following a freely downloadable EP you can introduce yourselves to here) will be out early in the month of May on an exciting format which, y’know – we’ll tell you all about soon. Strong of face and warm of heart, do take Aspen to your bosom with open arms. Yes!