Alter The Press!


1997 Take Indefinite Break

1997 have announced they are taking an indefinite break. A message from the band can be read by clicking read more.

hey there beautiful people.

first of all, thanks to everyone who came out last night and made it a really special show!

to everyone that wasn't there.. you missed the news. we are taking an indefinite break from playing shows.

we each feel like its a time in our lives where we need to do some soul-searching and find some new ways to express ourselves. we have been touring and recording for coming on 5 years now, and it has been the most rewarding, difficult experience for us all. we got to live out the dreams of our childhoods! it was perfect. but now we feel it is time to try out some different lifestyles and re-evaluate and re-define our dreams.

we will always create. and we will always love every one of you.

please stay in contact, and please support shut up and deal as they continue with the tour.

peace and thank you,

caleb and 1997

Alter The Press!