Interview: Westland

In addition to this, the band finished a West Coast US tour last year and a releasing 'Don't Take it Personal' in Japan, as well as heading over to play in Japan. Westland are also planning on making a video soon with Scott Culver (Hello Goodbye, Hidden In Plain View).
Lead singer Aaron Bonus spoke to is about the bands name, working with Mark Trombino, their future plans and more.
ATP: Who are you and what is your role in Westland?
Westland: Hello! My Name is Aaron Bonus, and I am the lead singer for the Boston, MA pop rock band Westland.
ATP: Where did the name Westland come from?
W: Funny you should ask. Back in the day we used to be called Spectacular Spectacular, but we thought it didn't fit us well, so we found it was time for a name change. Westland as actually The Name of the Avenue that Ryan (Guitarist) and Jon (Guitarist) lived on in Boston (WESTLAND AVE) so the name stuck and everyone seems to like it more.
ATP: How was working with Mark Trombino?
W: It was something I always wanted to make happen. Working with Mark Trombino was amazing. He is such a talented guy and I grew up listening to a lot of the bands he has worked with such as Jimmy Eat World, blink–182, The Starting Line and Something Corporate. I highly suggest him if your looking for a great mixing engineer for your bands next record.
ATP: Who are your major influences?
W: A ery hard question due to having so so many. Definitely The Beatles, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Weezer and of course who could forget Green Day.
ATP: What is your most memorable tour story so far?
W: Well there is a ton of great tour stories. I'll never forget but I'm gonna
have to say when we played a random mall parking lot in Fresno, CA. We were promoting hours before and over 100 fans came out singing all the lyrics. It really showed us how amazing our fans really are.
ATP: What can fans expect from 'Don't Take it Personal'?
W: You can expect real stories about my real life experiences, shared in a sing along catchy pop rock songs. Some of my favorite songs that I've written are on this album for sure.
ATP: The album is also being released in Japan I here?
W: As you can imagine, we are very excited about having our cd in Japan. We've just got word that we will be touring Japan in 2010.
ATP: Your filming a video soon with director Scott Culver. What can we expect from the video?
W: Scott is so talented with his work. He has done videos for some of our favorite bands including Hello Goodbye, The Early November, Ludo, and many others. You can expect something fun to be watched over and over for sure! The video will also air on MTV and Fuse.
ATP: Your favourite song off the new record?
W: id have to say 'Beautiful World' because it feels like summer. It can turn a rainy day into a sunny day with a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside your heart.
ATP: What would you like to accomplish in the next year?
W: Well of course a lot more than 2009, but I'd have to say a diehard fanbase and playing Warped Tour would be ideal. Landing a deal would be amazing as well.
ATP: In a few words, why should be people be looking out for Westland in the near future?
W: Well, I guess you could say,like us or not, I truly feel that we will win hearts over, one at a time, or you could say an American band, living the American dream.
'Don't Take it Personal' by Westland is available now.
Westland on MySpace
Jamie Kirk