Funeral For A Friend Update

"A belated Happy New Year and welcome to two-thousand-and-ten
We thought it about time that we wrote you Myspace a little update on where we're at.
You may have noticed our myspace has been a bit on the quiet side? Sorry about that. We've been off playing with the younger, cooler and prettier Miss Twitter and forgot all about poor ol' lady Myspace. Shame on us.
If you guys have been following our progress there you'll see that we've actually been keeping ourselves pretty busy. If you haven't then follow us on and keep yourselves up to date.
Someone nuggets you may have missed were tweets letting you know that we are:
Currently demoing material for album number 5
This will be our first album with Gav- he's very excited
That material is sounding mahoosive (massive)
Kris got a new 7-string guitar for Christmas as he was such a good boy last year
We starting recording on the day of our main man Saint David the Patron Saint of Wales (look it up)
Recording will once again be handled by our main man Romesh
Dodangodagodagoda, who did a sterling job on the new tracks on 'Your History Is Mine...'
We've also been very prompt and concise in the area of the ol' "Question/Answer" game.
That means- when you ask us a question on twitter we're more likely to answer you than by trawling through all the spam on myspace to get to a real question/comment. And just for the record spammers- no, I don't like you or your profile. Stop spamming me please.
We'll be keeping you nice and up-to-date through there but we promise not to neglect you myspacers as well.
Video blogs/pics/allsorts coming soon."