Alter The Press!


Chad Gilbert To Have Thyroid Surgery

New Found Glory guitarist, Chad Gilbert, will be missing the first three dates of the bands upcoming US tour due to having thyroid surgery yesterday.

Gilbert made the following statement:

"Two weeks ago when I went to the Doctor with pneumonia.. they found some nodules in my thyroid , and one of them is a little bigger then a quarter. They did a biopsy and the report came back that there are some suspicious cells in the cyst. So due to the size and to be safe, Today at 2:45 I am having surgery and getting half of my thyroid removed. Immediately after removing it they will observe it and see if it looks like a cancer. If they find anything they will remove the rest of my thyroid. The odds are in my favor for it to be nothing which keeps me positive going in… I am only planning on missing the first three shows of this tour, and my good friend Anthony Raneri from the band BAYSIDE will be filling in for me until i make it back out. Thanks again for all the love and support and I hope to see you all super soon.

Love Always,

Chad Gilbert aka :@xchadballx,Captain Straight Edge,chad hulud etc."

Anthony Raneri of Bayside will be filling in for Chad temporarily.

Alter The Press!