Album Review: You Me At Six - Hold Me Down

With the new year comes and a new album, 'Hold Me Down'. Whilst the band's debut, 'Take Off Your Colours', had its highlights but for the most part, I personally felt it was an album, that would soon become forgettable. 'Hold Me Down' takes all that was good and turns them up a notch. The band are catchier, more energetic and at times, rockier; something seen in opener, 'The Consequence' as the band take the pop-rock formula and subtly make it complicated.
Lead off single 'Underdog' is unbelievably catchy, with its blasting drum beat and the ever-improving vocals from Josh Franceschi, as he blares out a strong chorus. Elsewhere tracks like 'Stay With Me' and 'Liquid Confidence' become highlights, with the former having an irresistible chorus, that demands to be sung out loud and proud. The latter is the standard acoustic pop-rock number, but done very well, as the band have taken the formula and used it to the best of their ability.
Other tracks worth mention would be 'There's No Such Thing As Accidental Infidelity', 'Trophy Eyes' and closing track 'Fireworks', with its combination of strong vocals from Franceschi and soaring guitars.
With 'Hold Me Down', you quickly realise the band has grown, as both musicians and writers but, at the same time not alienated their origins. Instead they have taken them and embraced them, to the point where they can overall be a better band.
You Me At Six deserve all the credit and praise they get, and deserve the right to be in the position they have found themselves in, as 'Hold Me Down' is a pop-rock powerhouse, filled with instantly catchy songs, that are executed with precision and are carefully crafted. Where bands like Mayday Parade and Every Avenue fail to provide memorable numbers, You Me At Six have provided us with a collection of songs that, could be played over and over again throughout 2010.
'Hold Me Down' by You Me At Six is available now on Virgin Records.
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Sean Reid