Album Review: Sun Satellite - Message From A Traitor

As you quickly try to forget the first song, “Hardly Breathing” begins with vocals from Matt Moffit that become lost beneath the Sun Satellite’s accompanying music. “Stars” starts off with a spoken transmission, then giving way to an erratic guitar part that holds steadfast to its complete lack of composure. Moffit’s vocals lose their presence in this song as well and don't regain any encapsulating power on the entire EP.
"Apologize" opens with what might be Moffit's best writing on the EP; “Is there something wrong about this//is there something more that I don’t see.” But once again, the song falls short of a good mark with a chorus that repeats one too many times. The decent musicianship on “On The Edge” could make this track near good or even great, but Moffit's subpar vocals pale in comparrison and detract.
The album closes with “Wait For It,” which happens to be the best song and smallest blemish on Message To A Traitor. Moffit belts out the line “don’t wait for me, wait for me” as the song comes to a close, perhaps speaking to a lost love or his bands followers.
The EP falls short of any deserved recognition, as the music throughout overpowers the vocals, and the vocals often fail to evoke any interest. Sun Satellite have their work cut out for them in the future.
'Message From A Traitor' by Sun Satellite is available now.
Sun Satellite on MySpace
Zack Zarrillo