Album Review: Speakyourheart - This Is How We Communicate

In addition to this tracks like 'This Is The Call' and 'If I Quit Breathing', show the bands ambition to add a complex element to their music. The former on first listen sounds like your standard upbeat, pop-punk number but subtly hidden is complicated guitar parts. 'Understand This Is A Dream (Part 2)' builds on this, as its an instrumental and although complex, it does not alienate the listener and with its acoustic basis, it is relatively easy going.
Elsewhere 'Living In A Car Crash' and 'Can We At Least Try To Remember' keep up the flow, with impressive melodies strongly delivered by lead singer Laurie. However towards the end of the record, you feel that the band are recycling ideas and you become uninterested.
From 'This Is How We Communicate', Speakyourheart can be praised for adding an element of variation and experimentation, something which they can be build on. However the bands acoustic domination, could limit their future progression and at times you feel the bands overall sound is a bit of date by 4 years or so.
Overall Speakyourheart shouldn't be ignored nor should they be praised, as their brand of acoustic post-hardcore with strong melodies is worth giving a chance, despite its flaws.
'This Is How We Communicate' by Speakyourheart is released this month on Engineer Records.
Speakyourheart on MySpace
Sean Reid