Vocalist Leaves 1997

Message from Thomas:
"Hello all 1997 friends and family, its Kevin. Some of you may have noticed how I did not appear on the last tour after the 4th of November. Due to personal differences in the direction of the band, I have decided to leave 1997 in pursuit of a different adventure. This is my own choice, no one, no event made the decision for me. I still love everyone in the band and wish them the best. The music, and memories I made with all of them will always remain close to my heart. I will never forget skipping work to write the first songs with Caleb in a shitty attic apartment, quitting my job to continue full time building something great with all my friends. I want to experience life in a different fashion now. This is not the last of me, keep your ear to the ground and you will hear me running back to you. I want to thank everyone that has supported us on our insane journey together, it has been a wild ride! Keep listening to the 7s and love every minute of that beautiful music! Thank you! -Kevin Thomas"