The Swellers Update

"An unexpected turn leads to awesomeness
First of all, I hope Hayley’s feeling better. I heard some actual “backlash” from fans about them playing a slightly shorter set at the Pomona show. Kids can be so brutal! If you love a band you support them and understand. With the months of stressing, press and preparation it takes to create and promote an album, it eventually takes its toll on people.
Paramore played TWO SHOWS in one day, got up at 5am, played at 8am, loaded into the Fox Theater at noon, did a full soundcheck, then played ANOTHER set. That’s not only dedication, but a TON of work. So I hope people realize they’re doing it all FOR YOU. The dates are rescheduled and there’s honestly no reason people can complain. Shit happens, and when it happens to hard working people, they work hard to make it better for everyone else. It’s a selfless thing people should appreciate.
Moving on…
The AP Fall Ball tour show in Omaha was AMAZING! The guys in The Academy Is… and Louis from The Secret Handshake were all awesome dudes. We talked about music like Osker, Rival Schools, and a ton of other stuff for a long time.
I think we sold the most CDs at this show than we ever have as a band! It was ridiculous. I hate trying to make people buy CDs at shows, but first week is always the testing point. We made a ton of friends out of it too!
So now we’re back home in Michigan. Driving through 3 time zones in 4 days definitely has a cost. I was so worn out when we get back, but I’m all caught up on Dexter, get to see my girlfriend, and relax for about a week!
My “to do list” (I always keep one, I have semi OCD so if things aren’t on track I freak out) is back to a full list again.
-Modern Drummer (my favorite drum magazine and the world’s biggest) asked me to write a blog for them!
-Alternative Press is having me do a little video from our day at the Fall Ball tour, so I’m editing that right now.
-Working on a shirt design with my friend Derek Deal (best illustrator/designer ever) right now for HOT TOPIC! Holy shit, I used to buy Millencolin shirts there in 6th grade!
And a lot of other stuff…
Seeing Zombieland tonight finally! Things are good.
Hope everyone is doing well!