Paramore Update

"chi town chi town
It's been a week... and we're ready to finish what we started. This whole time, I was in LA, just trying to get better and hoping that everything would be alright by the time we got around to the Chicago show. I spent 4 full days on voice rest, took a crap load of medicine and have switched my diet around to only the most boring of foods. (At night, anyways). I'm trying to be super disciplined about it. Because I think this tour is going to be one of the best our band has ever done. I don't want anything to screw it up... again!
A couple days ago, the dudes came back to Los Angeles and we prepped for our new video. We spent all of yesterday shooting and as long as the day was, it was still pretty relaxing. Due to the nature of the video, it didn't seem like a work day at all!
ugh, i just noticed all the capitalization. it's not very bloggish of me.
anyways, we're on a plane. heading to chicago to get this tour going. i'm so stoked to hang with our friends and play rock shows. not to mention, see you guys. i feel like you all need a big e-hug. we've felt so supported! it's been really encouraging to see that you guys were more concerned that we take the week for me to recover rather than to keep hacking at my voice just for the sake of moving along. it's gonna feel so good to be on stage singing again.
as for meet and greets - of course, they are still on! there might be days where i don't talk as much... or at all, depending... but maybe you could all learn my whistle language that i made up, so we can still communicate. oh and we've brought cornhole (an awesome game) to play, though it might be too cold in some cities???
thanks again for hangin tough with us... see you in Chicago!!!