The Fastest Kid Alive Split Up

A messege from the band can be viewed by clicking read more.
"Hey everyone, Kyle here....
So this is a blog I thought I wouldn't have to write for a long time. But life takes a different road sometimes then you actually want it to take. I am here to announce that after a countless amount of shows, 7 successful tours, sleeping on floors from New Mexico to New York, two EP's, and many other awesome memories, that The Fastest Kid Alive is going to be gone for awhile. After long thought we have come to the conclusion that we can't do this anymore at this time in our lives. We are all going in different directions with lots of things. Being in a touring band comes with lots of financial and personal risk that some of us cannot handle at this time. We have decided to go on a hiatus for awhile.
With all of this being said we want to give you a little insight on the future of this band. Our last show for awhile is going to be on Halloween at Mojoes. Please come out and support us on our last show for awhile. We want to see all of our fans there. Also we are planning to record three new songs to put out before the new year. We want to give everyone some new songs before we take our hiatus.. Keep an eye out for those.
Thank you to anyone that has ever supported this band. Please keep checking back for updates on the status of The Fastest Kid Alive. We love you all very much. And we could never explain how much you fans mean to us. We will be back.
Kyle, Gary, and Mark
The Fastest Kid Alive"