Explosions In The Sky Update

The band said:
"Hello everyone,
Nothing too terribly exciting to announce. Just wanted to take a moment for some shameless commerce. We have a new shirt available at our little internet store. It was, once again, lovingly designed and drawn by our our good friend, Esteban Rey. We hope you like them.
Also, way back in 2007 we released a record called All of A Sudden I Miss Everyone. Editions of the record that were sold at independent stores or at our shows included a special remix disc. Every song on the record was remixed by people whom we love and admire (Four Tet, Jesu, Eluvium, The Paper Chase, Mountains, Adem). Anyway, these remixes are now available for sale on iTunes. So if you're interested you can look into that. They turned out pretty great. We also plan on putting free mp3s of these remixes up on our website at some point, though they won't be as high quality as the the version on iTunes.
Other than the upcoming ATP Festival, we don't have any shows planned and we probably won't for quite some time. We're getting back to work on writing a new record. We wish we could announce some sort of tentative release date, but that's pretty much impossible at this point. We can say with some confidence that it's probably going to be awhile.
Anyway, thanks for caring. Be safe.
- Explosions"