Album Review: The Wiitala Brothers - Bad Blood

“Secrets in Your Heart” is an aural delight, it’s simple and lethargic and you’ll find yourself lost in the simplicity of it all. I must admit the first listen of the album left me bored and unimpressed but then after the second maybe third full listen I was captivated by the minimalism and was left in a slightly solipsistic trance!
The Wiitala Brothers won’t make you fall off your chair with excitement; they will however make sure your sat comfortably and offer you a lovely cup of tea! Their simple melodies move effortlessly and take you on a slightly psychedelic journey questioning humanity along the way.
You’ll see what I mean about solipsistic trance like melodies if you listen to “See It In Your Eyes” a minute in. The song tells the story of a girl who promises love to a guy when all she really wants is his attention; the guy is wise to it and has none of it! In fact a lot of the songs are about people who are false and fake to get what they want in life and it highlights the fact that there are very few “real” people in the world. If you can relate to this I suggest you give “Bad Blood” a thorough listen.
Wiitala Brothers are pissed off at the world but instead of screaming about it they are penning some really heart-felt songs, which are incredibly well written and make the point more effective in my opinion.
Ok so it’s slightly depressing so don’t listen to it on a downer but if you just want to chill and reflect I sincerely suggest you give this a listen.
'Bad Bllod' by The Wiitala Brothers is available now.
The Wiitala Brothers website
Ben Bridges