Album Review: Entice - Let The Fire Come

The problem with this release is the similarity between this effort and their British counterparts is simply too obvious. The piano piece introductions, the limited vocal range, the flatness of each track with progression deemed unnecessary by the band, all contribute to Entice being a carbon copy of both bands they liken themselves to.
Tracks such as ‘Lets Just Go’ and ‘The Watchman’ seem to drag on with the monotone vocals never really moving from first gear. Perhaps if the vocal range of lead vocalist Isaac Leland was more varied, certain parts to their tracks would work a lot better. The band appear to aim for big moments such as in the lead song ‘Take A Number’, where all falls silent and it’s down to the vocalist to kickstart proceedings to take the track to a strong finish. But it just doesn’t deliver and exposes the weak link within the musical setup the band have to offer.
The aforementioned ‘Take A Number’ and ‘Who’s Got Your Money’ show what Entice are capable of when the pace is taken up a notch. Producing catchy riffs and with vocals similar to Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys fame, these tracks in particular show what the band are able to produce. But it’s short lived and a shame that the other ten tracks on the album just merge into one dull Coldplay song which fails to progress at all.
'Let The Fire Come' by Entice is available now.
Entice on MySpace
Thomas Smith