VersaEmerge Comment on Drummer's Exit

The band said:
"For all concerned...
First off i'll say that that things like this are never easy to go about. Before a band, we are a group of friends, which make this whole thing much more difficult. The truth is that because of some very serious personal reasons (which we will not go into detail about,) and for the sake of a friendship, we felt the need to let Anthony go. This band aside, certain problems have been ongoing and have gotten progressively dysfunctional as time (and relentless touring) have gone on. The only way we could see these things improve for him is to give him exactly what we thought he needed. That being time to gain a clear perspective on his life. Although unfortunate (especially since he has been a part of VersaEmerge since the beginning,) we think that this change will be personally beneficial for him in long terms. We are all more than supportive of his choices and will do anything to assist him in finding whatever it is that will make him truly happy.
This has without a doubt been one of the most difficult decisions we have ever had to make as people, and would have never made unless we saw it as crucially important to his health and well-being.
To the people reacting to our immanent decision with animosity... A decision like this may come off as harsh or as if it has been done with our heads buried in the sand. And from an outsider's view, i can see how it may be easy to judge a situation like this without hesitation or full understanding. Regardless, you have no position to bring such hate on someone for something you know little to nothing about. Forgive us for not recoiling to every petty comment we receive on the web because we're trying to go about such a sensitive matter a little more maturely. The details are extremely personal and are no ones business but ours and Anthony's. The excessive hate we have received is very hurtful. We appreciate your passion but ask you to please be respectful and mindful that we act with the heaviest of hearts.
We are still very much here for Anthony in every way we can be. We ask for your continued support, as well as to continue to support Anthony in whatever he chooses to do.
Assuredly, things will not be the same with Anthony gone but we're all working harder than ever to continue doing what we do. That is making music for you. And that will not change.
Great things are on the way.
With Love,
Blake, Sierra, Devin & Jerry"