Vocalist Leaves MiMi Soya

A messege from Hero can be read below:
"Well, some of you may know, a lot of you wont...
About 2 weeks ago, I decided to leave MiMi Soya due to what I'd like to say was artisitc differences. I'm not going into it as I was taught better than to write nasties about people who were for the long of it, my best friends.
I think its safe to say i'm really happy about leaving as its an oppotunity for me to get into music again with fresh eyes and ears. I've grown up a lot and become more wary of the complications that go with musical endevours. Nonetheless I am happy and I know the people that surround me support and agree with my decision and I really hope i'll be able to see some of the faces that came and supported us at one of my future shows.
The boys have decided I shouldn't do the upcoming tour, so i'm sorry I won't be there, I hope that you are shown a good time by the boys and i'm sure you will.
Thank you so much for coming to dance, support and buy our merch, I look very much forward to crossing your paths again.
Good luck boys and future missus. I hope your careers are nothing but prosperous."
MiMi Soya will carry with a new female vocalist and will tour alongside fellow LAB Record bands, The Autuer and Lost On Campus on the 2009 LAB Tour later this month.
Thursday 16 July – BRIGHTON, Hot Damn @ The Ocean Rooms (18+)
Friday 17 July – LONDON, Hot Damn @ The Purple Turtle (18+)
Saturday 18 July – HITCHIN,Club 85 (14+)
Sunday 19 July – MANCHESTER, Satans Hollow (14+)
Monday 20 July – GLASGOW, Ivory Blacks (14+)
Tuesday 21 July – LEEDS, Cockpit (14+)
Wednesday 22 July – SCARBOROUGH, Vivaz (14+)
Thursday 23 July – BLACKPOOL, West Coast Rock Cafe (14+)
Friday 24 July – HIGH WYCOMBE, Blues Loft (16+)
Saturday 25 July – CARDIFF, Koko Gorillaz (Afternoon Acoustic Show) (14+)
Saturday 25 July – CARDIFF, Koko Gorillaz (Evening Full-Band Show) (14+)
Sunday 26 July – PORTSMOUTH, Cellars (14+)