Thrice Comment On Album Leak

"Hey guys,
By now, we’re sure you’re aware of what happened yesterday/late Monday night, and we’re sorry we weren’t able to comment until now, but we didn’t want to address the issue without taking a day to regroup and discuss our options in dealing with this unfortunate situation. Thanks for your patience in that regard.
Obviously, we’re incredibly disappointed with what happened. We understand that records leak constantly and that it’s almost entirely unavoidable nowadays, but we never thought we’d have to deal with a record leaking three months before it’s release date, and certainly never thought we’d have to deal with a leak before anyone in the band had even gotten a master reference of the record, or before the artwork for the booklet had even been completed. We’re also disappointed that you’re hearing the record for the first time, watermarked, with a Vagrant Records voiceover over every song. And we’re disappointed that the leak has thrown a massive and immovable wrench into the efforts that many people have made to prepare for the three months leading up to release. That said, what’s done is done, and we’re moving forward.
“Beggars” will be available for download, legally and voiceover free–the way it was intended to be heard–as soon as we can possibly make it happen. Leaks happen overnight. Changing an entire retail marketing plan doesn’t.
Finally, we’d like to thank those of you who have resisted the urge to download this leak, those of you who have been supportive of us in online forums as this thing began to spread yesterday, and those of you who have heard the record and are sharing kind words about it. We always appreciate your support, but even more so right now.