Thrice Blog About B-Sides

I guess this is still a studio journal…I got a b-side mixed. That’s all.
edit: I realize the post was rather “terse” as someone put it, and since there’s been some discussion on b-sides, here we go:
B-sides for us are either songs that…
a) Didn’t feel like it fit on the record or didn’t have a place in the overall movement of the record.
b) Songs that didn’t feel like they quite came together, or didn’t feel fully realized once recorded. This is sometimes up for debate within the band, but a song usually becomes a b-side if no one feels the need to really fight for it.
We have never been the type of band that writes 20, 30 songs and chooses between them. We just don’t write like that. There’s generally a couple songs that don’t make the recording process, but if a song gets recorded, it usually means we feel pretty good about it, whether it makes the record or not. That’s why we usually have no problem playing b-sides live, since we still think they’re good songs even though they aren’t on a record. Sometimes hindsight is 20/20 and we end up not agreeing with our previous decisions about what songs were cut. Case in point: Flags of Dawn. But whatever, no regrets. I’d rather have a record feel too short than too long. Anyhow, the song talked about in the original post fell into category A, and I’m sure at some point, somewhere or another, you guys will be able to hear it.