Alter The Press!


InnerPartySystem Leave Island Records

InnerPartySystem have left Island Records.


Hello everyone,

We know we’ve been a little elusive as of late with news, but we have a few really big updates.

First off: Innerpartysystem is no longer on Island Records. There’s really nothing else to be said there. There are some really amazing, overworked, underpaid, stressed out people who love music, working very hard there… and there are a handful of people who just didn’t really understand this band, and didn’t know how to react when ‘Don’t Stop’ wasn’t ‘Just Dance.’ Our bad there. There’s a particularly badass crew at Island UK, who really fought and worked the hell out of this brand new, no name band from America, and we’re sincerely thankful that we've had the team by our side to help build such a strong foundation. At the end of the day, our label teams made this past year possible, gave us the freedom to make the album we wanted to make, and provided the opportunity for us to build our (albeit extremely modest) studio and stage show. So thank you!

This is a very exciting time for us. We also realize that now, more than ever, we need to directly connect with our fans. There’s no amount of marketing money that is more valuable than IPS being able to directly communicate with you, and let you know exactly what’s going on in our world. With that in mind, our tech guru/ soundman extraordinaire, Andy, has put together is a forum site specifically for IPS fans where we can communicate with you directly, and most importantly, use it as a place to give you free exclusive music, videos, and whatever else the gods of the interweb may dream up. To celebrate the launch, we’re posting a free download of our ‘Official Warped Tour/Summer Mixtape,’ featuring most of our remixes from the past year, artists we love, and a few new surprises. For the audiophiles, we’ve also posted stems for you to remix and DJ including: ‘Obsession,’ ‘Heart Of Fire,’ ‘Last Night In Brooklyn,’ ‘New Poetry,’ and ‘Don’t Stop.’

Fans of IPS, we appreciate you. We need you. We wouldn’t exist without you. We can’t wait to share new music with you later this year, and we hope to see tons of you all this summer on Warped Tour. Until next time.


Alter The Press!