Brand New Comment On New Album

“I’m a little worried about it. It’s a pretty exhausting record. It’s quite dense, and I think some of the decisions we made don’t always go in the most obvious direction – sometimes we’d do something in a minor key where you’d expect something bigger or have feedback instead of something that might be more pleasing to the ear. We were thinking a lot more about what we’d want to play when we were up onstage rather than actually what you’d want to hear on a record. If you play it loud and you make it through six or seven songs you’re gonna be pretty tired.
I suppose I’m worried because I have odd reservations about albums in general these days. It’s hard expecting someone to listen to a record the whole way through, and I think the third quarter of some records often gets lost, particularly if the record requires you to put some work in. I’d almost like to release it like an old school vinyl album, have two number ones through six. But this is the record we wanted to make, and we’re all of an age where we need to sustain ourselves as much as we feed the audience.”
'And One Head Could Never Die' is released September 21st.