Bayside Frontman Comments On Warped Tour Trends

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I have been on warped tour for 2 weeks now surrounded by a ton of bands, trends, haircuts..and you would think that a guy like me would have a million things to say about what I have seen here, and i do. I don’t like just popping up and saying this band sucks or this band is great. i try my best to wrap my head around things and analyze them before I talk about them.
Now there are bands that are bad for sure and bands that are great. The most disappointing thing that I am seeing these days is just completely fake bands. And I don’t mean fake in intentions and attitudes. I remember when that was the problem with the scene and I wish that was all it was. Things have gotten a lot worse then I could have imagined. The amount of “bands” that I see using autotune live, playing to drum tracks with a drummer pretending to play along, people even straight up lip syncing. It’s outrageous. Bands that use professional songwriters and bands that use sex appeal to win over 13 year old girls. It’s just awful. It almost makes me wish for bands that are writing and playing music just to get rich because that would be better then bands that are having other people write it for them and then pretending to play it live.
what really breaks my heart and gives me the feeling that this black cloud disguised in neon is going to continue to digest our scene until there’s nothing left of it is that no one seems to give a shit. The bands that are using auto tune when they play, don’t turn it off in between songs so they sound like auto tuned robots when they talk. It’s such an insult to people’s intelligence and these bands don’t even have to hide it because everyone is eating it up anyway. They need to take that shit over to radio disney.
To be honest I saw Brokencyde and Millionaires and after seeing a lot of other bands, I wasn’t even that offended by them. I mean, I don’t like it still, but at least they are exactly what they claim to be. They’re not pretending to be bands. They’re not trying to trick anyone into thinking that they’re musicians. And at least they write their own fucking songs.
I guess what I’m saying is, there are silent killers out there that are poisoning us from the inside, and they’re flying under our radars because they’re holding instruments and pretending to play them while we’re all bitching about the fucking Millionaires.
-“so why don’t we start making a history worth being proud of and start fighting the real fucking enemy?” -propagandhi