Album Review: Combat Crisis - Face The Crowd

The Pennsylvanian quintet's attempt to claim a part of the lime light taken by bands such as Anti-Flag falls at the first hurdle. Opening tracks "40CCs" and self titled "Combat Crisis" immediately sets a bland mood for this overly distorted excuse of a punk rock album. The repetitive guitar riffs and un-eventful drum beats combined with the childlike squawking vocals of Elisha Cause, lack the substance to keep a listener gripped to a point where they're on the edge of their seats.
Album title track "Face The Crowd" shows a minute glimmer of hope as the only catchy guitar riff on the entire album kicks in, only for you to be instantly disappointed when realising it's actually the first half of the infamous "Crazy Train" riff by Black Sabbath.
Whilst listening to what almost become monotone tracks such as "Listen Up" and "Mislead" you can single out some technical guitar solo's which do bring some much needed talent to the table, showing that these guys do have the potential to play a music that isn't of the distorted effect.
A little less aiming for the typical punk rock sound and a little more originality could point Combat Crisis in a new exciting direction and onto bigger, better things. "Face The Crowd" by Combat Crisis, definitely not something to call home about.
'Face The Crowd' by Combat Crisis is available now on Concrete Umbrella Records (available
through iTunes on August 18)
Gareth Price