That Was Something Break Up

A messege from the band can be read by clicking read more.
Hey everyone, we all realize that there has been a lack of updates, lack of tour dates and I guess overall lack of That Was Something. There is good reason for this because there is a light at the end of this tunnel. That Was Something started as kids in high school pursuing their dreams, we have toured the U.S numerous times, released 5 cd's and have had the time of our lives. It sounds so cliche but we honestly could have never done it without the amazing people that have helped us along the way. It does sound like this is going somewhere dark and sad. However this is being written with the utmost positive feelings we have had in such a long time. We feel like the sun is shining brighter than it has in so, so long. And we cannot wait to show you guys what some of us have in store for you. All this time we have been quiet, we have been tirelessly at work on something brand new. Certain members of this band decided to combine the best things that were "That Was Something" with a new spark and bring you something new, something refreshing, and something beautiful. Please stay tuned in the next few days. We love you guys so much.
Thank you for all the memories,
That Was Something